About Noah

Hi, I'm Noah.

I'm 18 years old, born and raised about 30 minutes outside of St. Paul in a city called Cottage Grove. Ever since I was about 8 or 9 years old, I was always creating different business strategies with my buddies. I've made tries more businesses than I can count in my lifetime. I was born with an entrepreneurial spirit.

This holds true to this day. To a degree, I was a trendsetter in school. Not for fashion (although I did upgrade my style senior year), but for starting businesses. I'd always get really good grades because I thought that was the only way to be successful in life, plus it would help me get into a good college soccer program.

Fast forward to age 17, when it was time for me to decide on a career path. I decided on economics because I loved business, and the small school I got recruited to play soccer at didn't have a general business or marketing degree. I got a scholarship to Macalester College here in St. Paul, Minnesota, and while I was attending school there my entire life changed. While I was taking all of these classes and hearing the same thing from classmates and professors over and over, I realized that nobody had the same goals as me.

Everyone accepted the fact they will go to school for 4 years, some even 8 or 12, then just work for a big corporation for the rest of their life and make a "living".

I didn't just want to "be an entrepreneur," I wanted to make a living off of my hobby.

I remember the exact moment. Just writing this gave me chills. I went to YouTube and looked up "make money online" and I was sold within about 5 minutes. I became obsessed on Thursday, October 12th, 2019. I couldn't focus on school anymore. The problem was that I knew it was really possible to make a living doing this, but I was in school. I always felt like school took me away from doing what I loved.

I was in the wrong place. Long story short, after my first semester in university on my way to a great career in the finance industry, I dropped out. My parents weren't to happy at first, but they've came around and now are my biggest supporters.

And that brings us to today.

So that's my origin story.

My business is my life.

My business is my purpose.

I know it.

Over the last few months, I expanded all over the country, working with realtors in California, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and many more.

And I won't stop here. This is just the start.

If you'd like to learn more about my services:

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